With extraordinary skill, an outstanding sense for sound and a fine instinct for his counterpart, Jens Thoben is somebody who can further the development of any musician.
Karsten Süßmilch, bass trombone and tuba player / freelance
Within the scope of the Karlsruher Meisterklassen Jens Thoben led a three-day masterclass for my students, entitled Cantabile? Vocal sound and instrumental virtuosity. The aim was to convey the essential features of the Lichtenberger® Method and transport them into the repertoire work on opera paraphrases.
I found him to be an outstanding teacher with an extraordinary sense for the students’ physical processes. It’s a rare stroke of luck indeed that an instrumentalist of distinction is at the same time a trained music physiologist. Jens Thoben combines inspiring musical work with profound knowledge. The students were enthusiastic about the course, and it was audible how they benefitted from it.
Prof. Wolfgang Meyer, Musikhochschule Karlsruhe
I first got to know Jens Thoben as an outstanding clarinettist in the orchestra we both worked in at the time. When he first introduced me to the Lichtenberg method, I was initially skeptic; my throat seemed to be miles away from my daily work as a violist.
Taking lessons with Jens Thoben, however, brought me a new awareness of my body. This awareness accompanies me now at all times.
Through working with Jens I discovered that good sound and focused performance on the one hand and a feeling of well-being on the other hand are not mutually exclusive – on the contrary, they’re mutually beneficial and conditional. On a personal level, I enjoy playing my instrument more than I did in a long time now. On a professional level, I see that my performance has benefitted greatly.
Chaim Steller, asst. Principal Viola / Konzerthausorchester Berlin
Dear Jens, through the inspired combination of the Lichtenberger® Method with exercises for the clarinet, I’ve been able to discover a level of sensibility in the creation of sound that was completely new to me. Thanks to these exercises, the flexible structure of your teaching and your unending patience, I’ve been able to find my way back to a natural assurance and a positive feeling while playing.
Stephanie Lübke, clarinetist / Bergische Symphoniker
As my work entails making key presentations in the free enterprise sector, I spend a large part of my working time speaking in public. After only a few lessons with Jens, I had more vocal resonance, depth and carrying power at my disposal. In the shortest possible time and with very little effort I achieved an astounding vocal presence in my talks.
Through the Lichtenberger® Method, a steadily growing trust in my abilities has developed, and I now deal with my body and its possibilities with greater awareness. As a result I am able to call on energies and resources without getting drained.
All in all, during the sessions with Jens Thoben, I’ve discovered completely unexpected new sides of myself, and each time in combination with a lot of fun. For that, heartfelt thanks!
Andreas Pietsch, TerraMetal Invest GmbH / Berlin
I think it’s really exciting to discover my voice. The weekly singing in my choir is very important to me, but after the rehearsals my voice was a little hoarse often. In the very funny and intense lessons with Jens, we not only do voice training but also work on pieces or have a look at my choir part. I’m amazed to learn how little I actually have to strain my voice, and how I can manage to stay in good contact with myself in the choir. That’s very useful in the classroom as well.
Sara Hübbecke, primary school teacher
I’ve come to know Jens as an extraordinarily committed teacher and inspiring musician. His style of teaching is confident, authentic and individual – an analytically strong and structured teacher, capable of incorporating spirit and body equally into his work. Thank you for the many new and positive stimuli!
Anne Scheffel, clarinetist / Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz
After successfully training with some of the best bassoonists worldwide (Klaus Thunemann, Matthew Wilkie und Gustavo Núñez amongst others), I remained skeptical regarding body techniques and methods advocating a ‘correct’use of the body, because in each case a direct contact with the music itself was lacking. Here it is different: with the Lichtenberger® Method, the sound is the core element of the work.
Under Jens’ attentive and diligent guidance, I have chosen a path of musicianship which has considerably broadened the horizons of my music training to date, and allowed a welcome symbiosis between myself and the musical result to come into being. In addition, I’m now able – both physically and mentally – to quickly recognize and effectively cope with the everyday strains of being an orchestra musician, and so reach my musical goals in a freer and more relaxed manner.
Jens’ knowledge is profound, and his great experience and musicality surmount all instrumental barriers: in particular, the stimuli with regard to the bassoon repertoire and audition programmes have proven themselves to be tremendously rewarding.
Sennen Costa, bassoonist / Aalborg Symfoniorkester (Dänemark)
Dear Jens, if only I’d met you much earlier in my career as a clarinetist! Through you, and your way of teaching, I have found a wholly new and deeper relationship with myself, my body and my instrument – one that I no longer want to do without.
Katharina Egetemeir, clarinetist and music school teacher / Düsseldorf
At the start I had doubts as to whether the initially very comprehensive seeming Lichtenberger® Method could help me with my very specific attack problem on the French Horn – not least because the path through the work by means of the voice seemed to me far removed from the root of the problem. But yes, it does help, and in many more areas than just the original problem!
First of all, it struck me how tensions in the head, jaw and neck were released, only through practicing the wonderfully simple exercises and keeping the experiences in my consciousness during rehearsals in the orchestra. Other positive effects followed: a new form of control over particular sequences of movement, achieved through an improvement in my ability to perceive things that were happening to and in my body. A totally new body awareness!
In addition, the lessons have a highly pleasurable side effect (if it can be called a side effect): they switch me into a calm state of mind and body, which lasts and reappears at home during independent practice.
Jens, I cannot say how much joy your lessons give me and how much a part you as a person play in that! I have 100% faith in you. You create an atmosphere at once relaxed and concentrated. You provide stimuli which always lead one in the right direction, with a remarkable degree of flexibility: in every single lesson you meet me exactly where I am. And you respond to problems that I hadn’t even considered myself, with humour and a calm and patience that can only make one happy.
Caroline Kabuß, French Horn player / Philharmonisches Orchester Hagen